Wednesday, December 24, 2008

India - A Comical Tragedy....

Its always amusing to write about India. A funny country of uncouth idiots ruled by equaly qualified morons. It has a heritage for blind faith and people here worship everything....right from, trees on dirty street corners, anthills frequented by snakes, stones, rocks and everything you could just think of. Whether one is a politician or a government servant or a private staff or whoever it is, Everyone here is Corrupt to the core and they love this country for one simple reason of convenience...CORRUPTION.


  1. I have on TV a temple in India where the Indians worship RATS. Yes, real, live RATS. The people drink, and eat using the same plate as the rats. It was the most disgusting thing I have seen in my life. Indians are filthy disgusting rat worshipers. Indians are also ugly. You might get about 0.1% of Indians attractive, and I don't mean the ones with Bollywood looks, but normal good looks. 99.9% Indians are either downright ugly or plain. A country cannot develop with ugly/plain looking people.

  2. Mr. Ravi, i dont think Newton was a super model, but he was an extremly important part in the development of science, and people trying to showcase the negative aspect of us should get their facts right(completed).
    We have given the world alot, be it NASA(the maximum employees of it are Indians), be it mathematics ( Aryabhatta gave the world the number zero, disbeleivers check wikipedia), be it jewellery & art( Indians are considered the best jewellers), we have one of the seven wonders of the world, how many does that so called critics country( i beleive he is american or english) have ?
    Cutting out the rudeness i beleive we should spread love...........if you try to come over that compartive would see that this world is for peace and love, and not the venom that you speard with that nasty little flesh in your mouth(your tongue).

    .....I beleive that your reply would be in i a very negative and vulgar phrase(if you reply) but in your heart know that all you are doing is to try spreading a discriminat behaviour.......which i dont think you would like if it was the other way round.

  3. "We have given the world
    alot, be it NASA(the
    maximum employees of
    it are Indians)"

    you are talking about indians in NASA. Why those indians are not working for ISRO (India). The answer is simple: in india merit and skill does not matter. It is your caste and caste certificate which matters. It matters in education, entrance exams, eligibility criterias, govt jobs, now in private jobs and this list does not end. Only army and sports are exceptions.

    Mr. Ravi, your comments shows only one thing that you hate india and indians. No facts. You wrote 99% ugly. There are 15% punjabis in india. Go to wikipedia and search 'punjabi'. There are sikhs, muslims in india who does not worship everything. We don't worship trees, animals, stones. The fact is that you are ugly as proved by your comments. Your sri lanka can not stand even for a single day against indian army.

  4. I agree with U indian guys,I see your comments are from obviously educated indians,but i have just returned from

    India on Sept this year 2013,after 3 months there,my 4th trip all up,the first being in 1969.
    I are sorry to say the country is still a shithole,and had not improved at all since my first visit in 1969.
    Thats 50 years that the counrry has had to improve its situaion and has NOT.
    Do you know why????
    CORRUPTION.its that simple.
    The fat cats are draining the money into their own accounts,so no social or infrastracture improvments are being

    Its that simple!!!!!
    The simple folk of most states,the ignorant and uneducated,of which there are many,are dangerous,and

    unpredicable,and easily led to mob violence.
    One has only to pass througt the smallest town,I shall quote Udder pradesh, to note the large amount of Police

    Riot control trucks on view in most suburbs..
    E.G,while we were there in Uttar pradesh,Sept.2013 Hindu,moslem communal killings,the Army had to be called in.
    Over 30 dead.
    UP suprisingly ,a state that also has a good supply of gun shops.

    As far as I are concerned,as an outsider,Goa,on the west coast,is the ONLY safe and civilised state to take a

    holiday in in India,and thankfully because of the european manner in which the colony was managed by the

    Portaguese colonisers for hundreds of years,right up to the 60's and the bringing of the christian faith,[not that I are

    religious] we have posibly the only stable state in India where one can feel safe.
    Corruption still reins,its India OK,but its a fun state,clean,safe by Indian standards,no liquor hangups,and the

    locals,the Goans,who look like Indians,but say they are not, are so very welcoming.
    Your comments please?
